i have always noticed that Hubsterman CANNOT resist cinnamon rolls... everytime we passby a shop or cafe he will ter-liur or will stop to get some! there was once he was so kempunan and tapau-ed a few(despite after a hearty hearty dinner),but it only ended up in the fridge for a good couple of days...but he still ate it all!! (i love u honey)...
so this is one of the reason i decided to BAKE...(no...no...wait.....BAKE seems so pro!! LoL) actually, i decided to LEARN to bake for my darling Hubsterman!!
i have NEVER ever in my life knead dough, what more make dough!! hehe..but, i always believe things that are done with pure Tender, Loving, Care will eventually turn out to be something aprreciated!!! (true anot??.........i will find out when u back onshore honey!!)-hahaha...sounds fal-sampah-ish....but its my own believe maa...who wansta tell me otherwise???hehe..
below are some pix that i manged to take, despite the 'ke-kan-cheong-an' of the whole event!!! hahaha...
(i dunno if anybody will feel the same like how i felt.....like i said, it was my Virgin attempt to bake!!! 'create' dough??!!! wahlauuu!! i oni watch "the happenings of it" on Astro channel 703 or...or 707 or any cooking/baking shows oni wor....tis time i do it MYSELF worr!!...whether flour measurement enough or not?did i get the correct flour???was i adding in ingredients correctly??was i stirring it all in the correct direction (does it really matter??)?? and so many many more 'was i' questions!!!) there was even a micro micro moment that whether i should call mommy to ask and see if i was doing it the correct way!!! hahahaha...thinking of it now,i think probly i shouldn't write it here (malu-fy myself only!)hehe....
but anyway...it all turned out...SATISFACTORY but of course there is still room to improve!! i still have approx 3 weeks till the FINAL TEST....(the return of Hubsterman!!)
the ingredients according to recipe found online!
the dough..(the 'duration' was messy!! no pix)
time to 'fill em up'...(yeah...i need 2 get me self a baking brush..or whatever that brush is called!)heeeehee...
..after rollin' and cuttin' em up! :)
..and ma babies were bakin!! yeehaaa...
from this................................................
..batch number #2 or #3...due to the faithful electric micro-oven (micro in size) Lol!!
........................to this!!!!
...and this!!!
..and these toooooo! :)
...sharing is caring, yeah??!!
........all glazed up and ready to go.....(and yesss...m lauzi at the 'presentation' part)
ps:- i would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear family (baba, mommy, sister, bro, sister in law) for all your kind compliments ;)
when i become 'chef de cook' , i will not forget u guys!! (ceehwahhh!! berangan!!!)wakakakaka...
wait-up for more baking experience coming soon.....(hopefully!!)..and NOOOO...m not turning tis blog into a baking blog!! HAHAHAHA....
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